
3D Creations
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About Me

I am a innovative game artist and programmer.
I'm going to change the world by creating motivational and inspiring games.
My inspiration in game creation is my all time favorite
SNES classic Secret of Evermore.
I have a dream of recreating this awesome game into a more modern version and I'm open to any ideas and concepts that you as a player would like to see.
I have experience in many art outlets such as
Maya, Blender, Zbrush, Photoshop, Affinity, and Pyxel Edit
as well as some
C# scripting with ORK Framework and Makinom in Unity for creating
RPGs, Platformers, Puzzles, Shooters, and much more!
Visit my Sketchfab site for 3D views of my work.
I want to bring life to the games you want to play and
make playing them as enjoyable as possible.
Want to see more awesome works, help me out by
supporting me on Patreon.
Thank you! =]