
3D Creations
unique views

Click the Game tab in Makinom. Scroll down to Initial Variables and change it to the following settings. This will always keep a reference to our mouse raycast position when we start the schematic that casts the raycast.

Click on the Schematics tab in Makinom and click New Schematic. Click SaveAs right away and name it getMousePos. Leave the Settings at default. Right click the grid and add a Raycast Node. Check Use Mouse Position (since we want the mouse position) Object being used to start the ray is the Machine Object Direction Vector3 Type is Direction Forward (this casts the ray along the positive Z axis) Store Variable Origin Global and Store Hit Point as mouseRayPos Operator Set and Save

In Machine Execution Settings drag in the MoveObjY Schematic Then define the Local Variables ObjToMove is Cannon01 (the name of the Game Object you want to move) speed is the speed to move the object yMin is the Clamp minimum value yMax is the Clamp max value Now Save and Test it out

Click the Game tab in Makinom. Scroll down to Initial Variables and change it to the following settings. This will always keep a reference to our mouse raycast position when we start the schematic that casts the raycast.
Moving Objects by Clicking and dragging them in game
In this example I will be showing steps on how to move a Game Object during gameplay along the Y axis.